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What you Need to Know about Location in Your IT Outsourcing Strategy for 2024

Unsure about the best location for your IT outsourcing needs? Schedule a call with our experts today to discuss your specific requirements and discover the ideal approach for your project.

In today’s interconnected post-pandemic world, technology companies no longer face geographic limitations when building their development teams. With remote work mass adoption and enhanced communication software does geo location still matter? Yes, there are still many factors to consider.  

Whether you are a seasoned expert and have worked with all models or you’re exploring outsourcing options for the first time, the decision between Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore is a common dilemma for many businesses, particularly in the realm of software development. 

But with so many options (nearshore, onshore, offshore, and the rising stars – nextshore and reshore) and all the moving parts choosing the right location and partner can make the difference between digital triumph and frustrating setbacks.  

This diverse landscape presents advantages and drawbacks, impacting project cost, speed, communication, cultural alignment, and ultimately, your bottom line. Understanding these nuances is crucial for selecting the location that best complements your vision and propels your technology company forward. 

In this article, we’re looking at onshore vs nearshore vs offshore outsourcing models and introducing new terms like Nextshoring, Reshoring, and “Future Shoring”. 

Here’s what you can expect: 

    • A quick explanation
    • Pros and Cons of Onshore/ Nearshore / Offshore
    • Introducing new terms Next shore / Re shore / Future shore
    • Projects Suited for Onshore/ Nearshore / Offshore / Future shore
    • Choosing the Right Tech Partner: Navigating the Currents 

The Location Breakdown: A Comparative Table 

Navigating the options becomes clearer with a side-by-side comparison. This table highlights the key factors to consider when choosing your tech talent haven: 




Same country as your business  Near neighboring country, usually within a few hours timezone difference Different country, often with significant timezone differences  


Highest  Moderately lower than onshoreLowest  


Easiest due to shared language and time zone  Easier than offshore due to closer proximity and timezone overlap Challenging due to time zone differences and cultural hurdles  

Technical expertise

Strong depending on your location   Often strong and geographically focusedVaries widely, requires careful vetting  but talent pool is large

Cultural alignment

Highest   Moderate   Lowest  

Intellectual property (IP) protection

Strongest  Moderate, depends on legal systems Less secure, requires robust contracts  


What is nearshore, offshore, onshore, and future shore - Advancio Technology Company in Los Angeles

What is Onshore Outsourcing?

Onshore outsourcing involves contracting services or development to a company within the same country or geographical region. For instance, a U.S. company outsourcing to a development team in a different state. 

What is Nearshore Outsourcing?

Nearshore outsourcing involves contracting IT services or software development to a company located in a nearby country, often sharing a similar time zone or geographical proximity.  

For example, a U.S. company is outsourcing to a development team in Mexico. 

What is Offshore Outsourcing?

Offshore outsourcing entails contracting services or development to a company located in a different geographical region, often in a distant country. For example, a U.S. company is outsourcing to a development team in India. 


Pros and Cons nearshore, offshore, onshore, and futureshore - Advancio Technology Company in Los Angeles

Pros and Cons of Onshore IT Outsourcing:


  • Cultural Alignment:
    Onshore outsourcing offers cultural familiarity, reducing potential misunderstandings. 
  • Easier Communication:
    Working within the same time zone makes communication smoother and more immediate. 
  • Legal Compliance:
    Onshore outsourcing often aligns more closely with local regulations and compliance standards. 


  • Higher Costs:
    Onshore outsourcing is typically more expensive than offshore options. 
  • Limited Talent Pool:
    Depending on the location, the talent pool might be smaller compared to offshore alternatives. 
  • Less Flexibility:
    Onshore options might have less flexibility in terms of scaling and adapting to project needs. 

Pros and Cons of Nearshore IT Outsourcing:


  • Time Zone Alignment:
    Nearshore outsourcing often involves countries with similar time zones, facilitating real-time communication and collaboration. 
  • Cultural Affinity:
    Shared cultural elements can lead to better understanding and smoother collaboration. 
  • Cost Efficiency:
    While not as cost-efficient as offshore, nearshore outsourcing can offer savings compared to onshore options. 


  • Narrower Talent Pool:
    The talent pool may be smaller compared to offshore outsourcing. 
  • Potential Language Barriers:
    While often minimal, language differences could still pose some communication challenges. 
  • Moderate Cost Savings:
    While cost-efficient, the savings might not be as significant as offshore options. 

Pros and Cons of Offshore IT Outsourcing:


  • Cost Savings:
    One of the primary advantages, offshore outsourcing often provides substantial cost savings. 
  • Access to a Vast Talent Pool:
    Offshore locations often have a large pool of skilled professionals. 
  • 24/7 Productivity:
    Time zone differences can be an advantage, allowing for continuous work and faster project turnaround. 


  • Communication Challenges:
    Significant time zone differences can lead to communication challenges. 
  • Cultural Differences:
    Cultural disparities may impact understanding and collaboration. 
  • Quality Control Concerns:
    Maintaining quality standards can be challenging due to physical distance. 

Introducing new terms Next Shoring / Re Shoring / Future Shoring

What is Next Shoring?

Introduced in 2021 by the manufacturing industry, Next shoring is when based on proximity, wherein a company relocates its production to the geographic vicinity of its customer base or target market. For example, a Japanese tire manufacturer moves to America to service and produce next to its client a US-based car manufacturer that sells its vehicles in the USA.

What is Re Shoring?

Also, a relatively new term is Reshoring and it refers to the practice of bringing back previously offshored or outsourced manufacturing or production processes to one’s own country. The term “reshoring” gained prominence around the early 2010s as a response to the changing dynamics of global supply chains and a renewed focus on domestic manufacturing in certain industries. An example of this is an American pharmaceutical company based in the USA moving back its operations from China to USA.

What is Future Shoring?

Hot of the press, future shoring is the new kid on the block and the evolution of all the previously mentioned concepts onshore, nearshore and offshore.

Future-shoring is an evolutionary approach that represents the integration and optimization of onshore, nearshore, and offshore models in the realm of service and production delivery. This innovative strategy seeks to harness the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of each traditional model, creating a customized hybrid framework tailored to specific project requirements.


Ideal Projects for Nearshore Software Development: 

  • Proximity for Collaboration:
    Projects that benefit from geographical proximity, allowing for easier communication, collaboration, and coordination between the development team and the client.
  • Real-Time Collaboration:
    Initiatives that require real-time collaboration between teams but may not necessarily demand face-to-face interactions.

  • Agile Development:
    Projects following Agile methodologies, as nearshore development allows for quick iterations, feedback loops, and adaptability to changing requirements.
  • Complex and Ambiguous Projects:
    Strategic projects with complexity and ambiguity that can benefit from regular and direct communication for effective problem-solving.
  • Innovative Solutions:
    Projects involving innovation, creative problem-solving, and the need for dynamic discussions, where close collaboration enhances the development process.
  • Client Engagement:
    Projects focused on maintaining a close relationship with clients, where understanding client expectations and feedback is crucial for success.
  • Time Zone Compatibility:
    Initiatives where time zone differences are minimal, making it convenient for teams to work in overlapping hours for efficient communication.

Optimal Projects for Offshore Software Development: 

  • Cost-Effective Development:
    Projects where cost savings are a primary consideration, as offshore development often offers competitive pricing.
  • Large-Scale Development:
    Initiatives that involve extensive coding, testing, or scalability where offshore teams can handle significant workloads efficiently.
  • Routine and Repetitive Tasks:
    Projects with routine or repetitive tasks that don’t require constant supervision or detailed involvement from the client.
  • Non-Critical or Non-Sensitive Applications:
    Initiatives that do not involve sensitive data and where security concerns can be addressed adequately through communication channels.
  • Legacy System Maintenance:
    Ongoing support and maintenance of legacy systems where the focus is on routine updates and bug fixes rather than frequent and complex modifications.
  • Projects with Stable Requirements:
    Initiatives where the requirements are well-defined and unlikely to change frequently, allowing for smoother offshore development processes.
  • Projects with less strategic ambiguity 
  • Initiatives not demanding intense collaboration and Agile processes 
  • Projects less affected by high turnover 

Projects that Would be Ideal for Onshore Software Development 

  • Highly Collaborative Initiatives:
    Projects that require frequent face-to-face interactions and close collaboration between development teams and stakeholders.
  • Complex and Strategic Projects:
    Initiatives with intricate requirements and a strategic impact on the business where direct and immediate communication is essential.
  • Sensitive or Regulated Projects:
    Projects dealing with sensitive data or subject to strict regulatory compliance, where proximity facilitates adherence to legal and security standards.
  • Innovative and Research-Intensive Projects:
    Initiatives involving cutting-edge technologies or extensive research where real-time discussions are crucial for success.
  • Client-Facing Applications:
    Projects focused on client interactions, customer experience, or user interface design where close proximity aids in understanding and meeting client expectations effectively.
  • Agile Development with Rapid Iterations:
    Projects following Agile methodologies, particularly those with short development cycles and frequent iterations, benefit from quick and direct communication facilitated by onshore development.
  • Customized Solutions for Local Markets:
    Projects tailored for specific local markets or regions, where a deep understanding of the local context is crucial for success.

Projects that Would be Ideal for Futureshore Software Development 

  • Strategic Flexibility:
    Projects that require flexibility in choosing the development approach based on the specific phase, task, or requirement. For example, starting with onshore for initial planning and strategy, transitioning to nearshore for development, and utilizing offshore for testing and support.
  • Cost-Effective Scalability:
    Initiatives that demand scalability, allowing the team to expand or contract based on project needs. This may involve starting with a core onshore team and scaling with offshore resources during peak development phases. 
  • Complex Development Life Cycle:
    Projects with a complex development life cycle that can benefit from a phased approach, combining the local expertise of onshore teams, the collaboration advantages of nearshore teams, and the cost efficiencies of offshore teams.
  • Global Collaboration:
    Projects that require a globally distributed team to tap into diverse skill sets and perspectives, enabling innovative solutions and overcoming time zone challenges through strategic use of onshore, nearshore, and offshore resources.
  • Risk Mitigation:
    Initiatives where risk mitigation is a priority, leveraging the stability and proximity of onshore teams for critical phases, while utilizing nearshore and offshore teams for specific tasks to optimize costs.
  • Client-Centric Projects:
    Projects where maintaining a close relationship with clients is essential, utilizing onshore teams for client-facing interactions, while leveraging the cost advantages of nearshore and offshore teams for other aspects of the project.
  • 24/7 Development Cycle:
    Projects that can benefit from a continuous development cycle due to time zone differences, allowing for around-the-clock progress.

Onshore / Nearshore/ Offshore Developer and Engineers Rates for IT Outsourcing in 2024

Nearshore vs Onshore vs Offshore vs Nextshore IT Outsourcing in 2024 Map - Advancio Technology Company in Los Angeles

Nearshore software outsourcing involves establishing distributed teams in countries within the same or similar time zone. For U.S. companies, this typically refers to countries in Latin America.

Architect $130-$175 $72 – $96 $47 – $95 
Business Analyst $95-$125 $54 – $68 $31 – $81 
Scrum Master $90-$145 $50 – $79 $44 – $74 
UX/UI Designer $85-$135 $48 – $75 $29 – $71 
DevOps $95-$140 $59 – $82 $29 – $79 
Lead Developer $120-$150 $66 – $82 $41 – $82 
Associate Developer $70-$95 $41 – $53 $21 – $53 
Mid Level Developer $90-$110 $53 – $66 $27 – $65 
Senior Developer $110-$140 $65 – $82 $34 – $76 
Associate QA Engineer (Manual) $60-$80 $34 – $52 $18 – $44 
Mid Level QA Engineer (Manual) $75-$90 $42 – $59 $22 – $59 
Senior QA Engineer (Manual) $90-$110 $53 – $66 $25 – $61 
Associate QA Engineer (Automated) $70-$95 $35 – $55 $22 – $51 
Mid Level QA Engineer (Automated) $75-$90 $48 – $62 $25 – $63 
Senior QA Engineer (Automated) $90-$110 $59 – $72 $29 – $74 


Choosing the Right Tech Partner: Navigating the Currents

Selecting your tech partner in this multi-location landscape requires careful consideration. Here are some crucial tips to guide your journey: 

    • Define your project needs and budget. Be clear about your project requirements, timeline, and financial limitations. 
    • Research potential locations and service providers. Explore different options, compare strengths and weaknesses, and assess cultural compatibility. 
    • Prioritize security and IP protection. Choose partners with robust security measures and clear IP protection contracts. 
    • Establish clear SLAs and performance expectations. Set measurable goals and define communication protocols to ensure successful collaboration. 

We’ve observed the challenges that usually accompany the decision-making process for complicated IT projects with numerous clients and have successfully guided them through a seamless transition to the tailored approach we call “Future Shoring.” If interested in a free consultation contact us HERE. 


What is Future Shore with The Geeks Podcast

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