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Women in Tech

In a male-dominated tech landscape, we stand tall as fierce advocates for women in technology. We believe that every woman has the power to excel, innovate, and lead.

Our mission is to pave the way for gender equality by creating an environment that nurtures talent, fosters growth, and celebrates the unique strengths and perspectives that women bring to the table.

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How Women Are Being Impacted

We extend our impact to the wider community, engaging in initiatives that empower women, support underrepresented groups, and promote equal opportunities.

Insights from Our Geek Women

At Advancio, we offer more than just IT solutions. We offer a transformative experience that is guided by equal principles, values, ethics, and insights.

Get to know what our geek women have to say about different topics. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

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Women in Leadership
Program (WLDP)

Program Details

This 3-year rotational program was designed to help women in engineering plan, prepare, and execute positions of power in IT.

We strongly believe that diverse teams with unrestrained career opportunities can drive global change and impact their local communities. And, that this objective can be met faster we embrace, promote, and champion gender equality. This is our way of delivering on our convictions.

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Find Out the Female Power in Action

From Tech Talks to Webinars, discover how women make their way in different industries and roles. Hope you find some inspiration from it!

June 8

April 13

March 23

February 23

February 9

September 15

June 16

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